"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln
Evidently, Paul Carpenter has never heard this before. We have been blessed to receive his response a day earlier than promised. If you want to read it here is the link; But I warn you, it is a tongue-in-cheek, absurd, erroneous and irritating few paragraphs. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/carpenter/mc-paul-carpenter-trainers-20110208,0,7678136.column
I'm not exactly happy about his thoughts but I'm not going to waste my time writing him a nasty e-mail or calling him up tomorrow. I don't even want to point out and comment on his errors. You all can see those for yourselves.
All of the negative response he got should be an indicator that he is wrong or at the very least, uninformed. However, I'm taking a different angle to this. Yes, I am irritated. However, I am more inspired. I know (and chances are if you're reading this, you know) what Athletic Trainers are qualified to do and what not to do. I want more people to know. I would rather all of the people responding to Carpenter get together and come up with campaigns to promote Athletic Training and to educate the public about what we do.
We're not doing "heart surgery" and never will. Not that it makes any difference to people like Mr. Carpenter, but Athletic Trainers are doing some amazing things and are on the forefront of research to better care for our athletes. I'm going to spend some time this week highlighting some of these things.
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